Comparing hot air drying kinetics and color quality of organic and conventional sweet red peppers

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Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi tarım bilimleri dergisi (online), cilt.25, sa.2, ss.271-283, 2020 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


Aims: This study was conducted to compare the hot air drying kinetics andcolor quality of organically and conventionally produced sweet redpeppers.Methods and Results: The pepper samples were dried at 60, 70 and 80°Cusing a hot air dryer. Drying kinetics, effective moisture diffusivity (Deff),activation energy (Ea) and color quality were studied. The drying processfor both organic (OSRP) and conventional sweet red peppers (CSRP)occurred mainly in falling rate period. Increasing the drying temperaturereduced the drying time considerably. Except 60°C, significant differencewas found between the drying times of OSRP and CSRP samples. TheMidilli model gave the best fit for all data points for pepper types. Apositive relationship was found between the drying temperature and Deffvalues (OSRP: 39.6210-10 – 58.5810-10 m2s-1; CSRP: 38.9210-10 –57.5910-10 m2s-1). Differences between the Deff values of OSRP and CSRPsamples were not significant.Conclusions: Characteristic drying curve profiles, Deff and Ea valuesfollowed the similar trajectory showing that the growing practice of thepeppers did not significantly change the structural features related to heattransfer. The hot-air drying at 70°C and 80°C gave brighter and redderpepper powders; hence, these treatments are suggested as the suitabledrying applications to produce high quality OSRP and CSRP powders interms of color quality. By using 80°C instead of 60°C, about 25% and 32%savings in drying times could be obtainable for CSRP and OSRP samples,respectively.Significance and Impact of the Study: Organic production has anincreasing trend in the world; however, research on the evaluation ofdrying kinetics and color quality of organic products is very limited. Thus,this study aimed at studying appraisal of the drying kinetics and relatedparameters of CSRP and OSRP samples.