Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt.10, sa.3, ss.613-625, 2021 (Hakemli Dergi)
The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of an ideal science teacher, from the perspective of gifted secondary school students. For this purpose, phenomenological method from the qualitative research methods was used in the study. Thirtyfive gifted secondary school students studying at a science and art center in the Mediterranean region of Turkey have been selected as the participants of the study. In the study conducted on a voluntary basis, the data was collected using a semi-structured interview form. The data obtained from the study was analyzed using content analysis, which is one of the qualitative data analysis methods. Frequency values were used to analyze the data and direct citations were included. As a result of the analysis of the data, gifted students emphasized in general, the personal and educational dimensions of an ideal science teacher. While an ideal science teacher is expected to be fair, humorous and entertaining on a personal level, it was emphasized that he/she should be wise and creative on a professional level. In the educational dimension, the science teachers who address the students by their names and treat them sincerely and in the learning and teaching dimension, the type of teachers who are fun, experimental, and the ones that can create a more enjoyable environment in the classroom emerge as the ideal science teachers.