Small Ruminant Research, cilt.136, ss.43-53, 2016 (SCI-Expanded)
This study intended to investigate slaughter, carcass and meat quality characteristics of Damascus male kids reared under different production systems and antioxidant effect (Vit E). The kids, housed in pen groups and grazing groups, were equally divided for production systems and later each group was again equally divided for determination of Vit E effect. Production systems and Vit E were found to have no significant effect on slaughter and carcass traits. Differences between production systems were found significant for meat pH24, water holding capacity, cooking loss, tenderness, ether-extractable lipid and some color characteristics and concentrate feed supplemented with Vit E was effective on TBARS values. Each of the fatty acids except C18:2 n6 was affected by the production system but Vit E influence was superior on long-chain fatty acids. Grazing kids had a lower percentage of total SFA, n6, n6/n3, AI and TI ratio, while kids housed in pens had the lowest percentage of total UFA, NV and n3 ratio. On the other hand, kids that consumed supplemental Vit E had a higher percentage of total UFA, ratio of UFA/SFA, n3 and lower percentage of SFA, ratio of n6/n3, AI, TI compared to the kids fed by non-supplemental concentrate feed with Vit E. In accordance with the meat fatty acid composition, meat obtained from the kids that grazed and consumed supplemental Vit E was healthier than that of those housed in pen kids and non-supplemental Vit E consumed kids.