Evaluation of chemical characteristics and proteolysis and lipolysis levels in Hatay sıkma cheese

TARAKÇI Z., DURMAZ H., Sağun E., Aygun O.

Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi . Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, vol.20, no.1, pp.53-59, 2004 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


In this study, randomly selected twenty-two samples of Sıkma cheese, which was produced and consumed in Hatay region, were investigated for both chemical and sensory characteristics as well as proteolysis and lipolysis levels. The mean values of dry matter, fat, salt, protein, ripening degree, titratable acidity (L.A.%), pH, water soluble nitrogen, nonprotein nitrogen and lipolysis ratio (ADV) in cheese samples were found as 47.36%, 20.00%, 5.53%, 21.29%, 10.62%, 0.59, 5.59, 0.34%, 5.94%, and 3.21%, respectively. Based on the sensorial results, the Sıkma cheese samples were evaluated to be 7.27 point in terms of color and appearance, 7.43 of body and texture, 7.12 of taste and flavor on 10 point scale, and total score was 26.20 point out of 30 point.
Bu araştırmada, Hatay'da üretilen ve satışa sunulan 22 adet Sıkma peynirinin kimyasal bileşimi, proteoliz ve lipoliz düzeyleri ile duyusal özellikleri incelendi. Numunelerin ortalama kuru madde, yağ, tuz, protein, olgunlaşma derecesi, tît-rasyon asitliği (%L.A), pH, suda eriyen azot, protein olmayan azot ve lipoliz (ADV) değerleri sırasıyla %47.36, %20.00, %5.53, %21.29, %10.62, 0.59, 5.59, %0.34, %5.94, 3.21 olarak belirlendi. Örneklerin, duyusal değerlendirme sonucunda renk ve görünüş yönünden 7.27, şekil ve yapı yönünden 7.43, tat ve aroma yönünden 7.12 ve toplamda da 26.20 puan aldıkları tespit edildi.