Publications & Works

Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

A Critical Evaluation of the Applications of Sustainable and Circular Economy: Case of Turkey

The International Seminar on ‘Towards sustainable tomorrows: From sound concepts to sound practice, Helsinki, Finland, 31 October 2020, vol.1, pp.28-29

‘Sınır’ı Geçmek: Göçmek

29th International Congress on Creative Drama in Education, 25 - 28 October 2018

Encounters between Native Peoples and Recent Syrian Refugees in Hatay, Turkey

XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, Canada, 15 - 21 July 2018, vol.1, pp.77

Social and Symbolic Violence in the Construction Process ofTurkey-Syria Border Wall in Hatay

XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, Canada, 15 - 21 July 2018, vol.1, pp.77

Orta Sınıf, Yasam Tarzı ve Begeni: Ev Dösemesi Aracılıgıyla Ayrım

15. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey, 29 November - 01 December 2017

Socio-Cultural Relations and (Im)migration in the Greek Orthodox Christian Community in Hatay, Turkey

13 th Conference of the European Sociological Association, (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism,Solidarities,Subjectivities, Athens, Greece, 29 August - 01 September 2017

Ethnic Relations and Social Boundaries among Ethno-Religious Groups in the Turkey-Syria Border Cities in Turkey

13th Conference of the European Sociological Association(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, SubjectivitiesAthens, Greece, 29 Aug. - 01 Sept. 2017, Atina, Greece, 29 August - 01 September 2017

Honey Nutrition Production and Consumption

International Congress ofn Food of Animal Orijin, 10 - 13 November 2016

Bal Beslenme Üretim ve Tüketim

Uluslararası Hayvansal Gıdalar Kongresi, Girne, Cyprus (Kktc), 10 - 13 November 2016

Sağlıklı Beslenmede Yumurtanın Yeri ve Önemi Türkiye de Yumurta Üretim ve Tüketimine Sosyolojik Bir Bakış

Uluslararası Hayvansal Gıdalar Kongresi “Sektörle İşbirliği”, Girne, Cyprus (Kktc), 10 - 13 November 2016

Consuming What and Consumed How in Turkey A critical Discussion with Bauman s Conceptualization of the Poor Consumption and Consumerism

Consumption, inequalities, futures: Conceptual and practical sociological challenges, 7 - 10 September 2016

Emek Yoğun Üretimden Sermaye Yoğun Üretime Mobilya Sektöründe Emek Süreçleri

7. Karaburun Bilim Kongresi: "kapitalizmin kıskacında doğa – toplum – teknoloji”, İzmir, Turkey, 5 - 09 September 2012

Televizyonda Suç Söylemi: İdeoloji, Hegemonya İktidar İlişkisi

VII. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey, 21 November 2001
Books & Book Chapters

Suriye İç Savaşı Etkisinde Sınır, Göç ve Gündelik Yaşam: Hatay Örneği

in: Kökenler ve Göçler, Kalmış Gökhan, Kalaycı İsa, Editor, Kutlu Yayınevi, İstanbul, pp.457-486, 2021

Antakya’xxda Rum (Arap) Kimliğinin Görünürlük Biçimleri

in: Üç Milliyetçiliğin Gölgesinde Kadim Bir Cemaat: Arapdili Doğu Ortodoksları, Haris Rigas, Editor, İstos, İstanbul, pp.43-70, 2018

Leisure as Distinction in the Turkish Middle Class: Nursing Babies, Collecting a Trousseau, Meeting at the Malls, or Surfing?

in: Mapping Leisure: Studies from Australia, Asia and Africa, Ishwar Modi, Teus J. Kamphorst, Editor, Springer, Singapore, pp.191-223, 2018

Leisure as Distinction in the Turkish Middle Class: Nursing Babies, Collecting a Trousseau, Meeting at the Malls, or Surfing?

in: Mapping Leisure Studies from Australia Asia and Africa, İshwar Modi ve Teus J KAmphost, Editor, Rawat Publications, New Delhi, Delhi, pp.178-206, 2016



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