Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi tarım bilimleri dergisi (online), cilt.25, sa.2, ss.138-144, 2020 (Hakemli Dergi)
Aims: The aim of this study is to determine the amount and distribution ofinorganic phosphorus fractions in soil profiles classified as Mollisol andEntisol, which are common in the Eastern Anatolian region, and todetermine their soil properties and their relationships with each other, andto evaluate the contribution of inorganic phosphorus fractions to availablesoil phosphorus (Olsen-P).Methods and Results: The total amount of phosphorus in these soils withcalcareous and slightly alkaline reactions has been determined as 280-1713 mg kg-1 and an average of 713 mg kg-1. Ca-P’, which make up anaverage of 80.9% of the total phosphorus and which are determined as thefirst phosphorus fraction in these soils, have been determined between163.2-951.1 mg kg-1. The occluded phosphates (CDB-P), which rank secondin quantity in these soils after Ca-P2, are between 2.07-105.6 mg kg-1, andthirdly, phosphates (CB-P) held by carbonates during the first extractionare 0.76-52.83 mg kg-1. In the fourth and last row, nonoccluded aluminumand iron phosphates (Al-P + Fe-P) were found as the least amount ofphosphorus fractions in these soils between 0.09-5.0 mg kg-1.Conclusions: In summary, the order of inorganic phosphorus fractions inthese soils was determined as Ca-P> CDB-P> CB-P> Al-P+Fe-P.Significance and Impact of the Study: It was determined that two fractionscontribute to phosphorus (Olsen-P), nonoccluded aluminum and ironphosphates (AI-P + Fe-P) and occluded phosphates (CDB-P) in these soils.