Hayef:journal of education (Online), cilt.18, sa.2, ss.150-166, 2021 (Hakemli Dergi)
The coronavirus 2019 pandemic has necessitated the need for preservice English teacher educators (PETEs) to undertakeonline teaching. Given the lack of research in the literature on unraveling the perceptions of PETEs regarding theirasynchronous or synchronous teaching practices, this cross-sectional survey research could prove beneficial by providinginsights from the evaluations of 11 Turkish PETEs teaching at two state universities, their online instructional practices, andthe challenges they faced while teaching online. The data collected from the online survey were analyzed by performingdescriptive statistics and inductive content analysis. The findings revealed that the PETEs had analogous experiences inthe course of online teaching because they deemed asynchronous online teaching monotonous and not as effective assynchronous online teaching (SOT) primarily owing to the lack of spontaneity. The findings also demonstrated that PETEsdid not believe SOT was free of problems, and the manner in which online assessment was undertaken provided factualevidence concerning preservice English teacher learning.