Acta Horticulturae, vol.926, pp.133-138, 2012 (Scopus)
Within the COST Action 863 in 2009-2010 23 cultivars have been observed in three European regions: north Europe (Polli in Estonia, Dobele in Latvia and Babtai in Lithuania); central Europe (Skierniewice in Poland, Conthey in Switzerland, Ljubljana in Slovenia, Douville in France, Ferrara, Cesena and Ancona in Italy; south Europe (Marsala and Lamezia in Italy, Huelva in Spain and Antalya in Turkey). Several parameters have been evaluated for each cultivar according to the protocol of evaluation within the previous COST Action 836: robustness, production, tolerance to pests and diseases, fruit appearance, sensory attributes and shelf life ability. Finally, a general value has been given for each cultivar. Finally, a decision has been made upon the possibility of adaptation to the region and its market. In the three regions the cultivars performed better than the control cultivars were: in north Europe cultivars 'Elegance', 'Lucy' and 'Zumba'; in central Europe cultivars 'Elegance', 'Lia', 'Tecla' and 'Zumba'; in south Europe cultivars 'Aguedilla', 'Coral®Rociera', 'Fuentepina', 'Kilo', 'Nora' and 'Siba'.