Agricultural residues potential of Hatay


Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi tarım bilimleri dergisi (online), cilt.24, sa.1, ss.9-15, 2019 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


Aims: The aim of this study was to determine the biomass potential andthe energy value, being produced from agricultural residues in Hatayprovince.Methods and Results: The amounts of residues from the agriculturalcrops cultivated in Hatay province were calculated using production dataof crops with Turkish Statistical Institute for the 2018 seasonal years. Theannual gross potential of agricultural residues was determined by usingresidue to product ratio or residue per tree or residue per area. The totalamount of agricultural residues was approximately 652.8 kt.year-1. Thetotal heating value of the agricultural residues was around 13.36 PJ.year1. The top four districts of Hatay according to the amount of agriculturalresidues are Kırıkhan (181.6 kt), Center (158.8 kt), Reyhanlı (111.3 kt) andKumlu (65.2 kt). The major crops included in the ratio of the totalresidues amount were cotton (65.5%), maize (14%), olive (13.3%) andcitrus (10.9%).Conclusions: The potential of agricultural residues concentrated in theKırıkhan and Center districts. However, there are also significantlydifferent crop residues in other districts. Hatay have a great agriculturalresidues potential for conversion to energy. Such a large potentialnecessarily has to be evaluated by establishing modern facilities.Significance and Impact of the Study: In this paper, the produced mapswere provided to see more clearly in the differences of data among thedistricts. The mapping can provide the rise of public awareness, policymakers’ reference and investor's guide about these subjects.