LA PENSÉE, cilt.76, sa.3, ss.426-430, 2014 (Scopus)
In this study it is aimed to determine Tear Secretion (TS) and intra-ocular pressure (IOP) of healthy
holstein calves and holstein calves with amaurosis. Two groups are formed healthy holstein calves and
holstein calves with amaurosis. There were 20 calves in each group 10 of them female and 10 of them
male. 80 eyes of 40 holstein calves were measured. After clinic treatment, TS, Schmier Tear Test (STT)
and IOP values were measured by Schiotz Tonometre (ST). Statistic comparisons were determined in
SPSS 17.0 programme. In the study TS and IOP values are determined between right-left eyes, femalemale
calves and healthy calves-calves with amaurosis. Statistic results were given as average- standart
deviation and maximum-minimum values. While the result was as TS=20,50±2,95, IOP=17,53±1,54 in
healthy calves, it was determined as TS=5,50±0,52 and IOP=10,96±1,75 in holstein calves with
amaurosis. In all the groups an important statistical difference were not found between right-left eyes and
female-male calves (P<0,05) but ST and IOP values of holstein calves with amaurosis were low,which is
statisticaly important if you compare with healthy calves.
Keywords: Holstein calves, amaurosis, tear secretion, intra-ocular pressure