Determination of fruit growth and fruit peel and aril colors in different pomegranate genotypes

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TÜRKER S., Polat A., Bindak R.

Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, cilt.24, sa.4, ss.458-466, 2020 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


This study examines the growth of “Kışnarı” type with “Hicaznar” and “Kirli Hanım”pomegranate varieties in fruit length and width as well as the fruit peel and aril colors. It wasfound that the relationship between these type and varieties in terms of growth in fruit lengthand width were positive and significant and that the “Hicaznar” variety grew more robustlythan the other variety and type. In addition, it was determined that width and length of thevarieties and types of the fruit increased in direct proportion from the full flowering stage tothe harvest period; and the fruit width growth was higher than the fruit height development.The peel L* value was determined in the range between 47.15 and 94.88 and varies by year,variety and type. The Kışnarı variety had the highest a* value (45.00) in terms of peel colorwhile the highest b* value (41.88) was registered in the Kirli Hanım variety. The fruit peelchroma (C*) values varied between 36.99 and 63.51. It was found that the peel Hue (H⁰) valuesof the Kirli Hanım (44.88) and Kışnarı (41.59) varieties were significantly higher than those ofthe Hicaznar (35.14) variety. According to aril L* values, the highest brightness was ascribed tothe Kirli Hanım (73.68) while the lowest to the Hicaznar (39.80). According to a two-yearaverage, the a* values of the aril color of the type and variety varied between 39.73 and47.66. The aril of Hicaznar (18.25) variety had the lowest b* value aril while the Kirli Hanım(22.02) had the highest. The aril color C* values of the type and varieties varied between43.73 and 53.99. The two-year average aril color H⁰value of the type and varieties variedbetween 24.48 (Kışnarı) and 25.95 (Kirli Hanım).