Cukurova Medical Journal, cilt.44, sa.4, ss.1329-1332, 2019 (Hakemli Dergi)
Purpose: The study aimed to investigate the value ofplatelet distribution width (PDW) in incarcerated inguinalhernia which was treated with graft to illuminate itsinflammatory role in surgery-related disorders.Materials and Methods: We perormed a case-controlstudy by retrospective screening data of the 88 patientswith inguinal hernia and 75 healthy. Patients data includeddemographics, hernia location, hospital stay, andhemogram parameters. Platelet-related parameters wereanayzled with automated devices from EDTA samples.Results: The mean defect size was 25.3±17 mm foringuinal hernia, which ranged 6 to 75 mm. The PDW valuewas higher in group A as compared with that of group B.Also, the platelets were statistically higher in group A thangroup B. In the Pearson correlation analysis, PDW showeda strong and positive relationship with a hospital stay.Conclusion: We suggest that a strong positive correlationof platelet distribution width with hospital stay can beuseful in incarcerated inguinal hernia which we treatedwith grafted by open surgery.