The aims of the study were to determine entrepreneurship level of veterinarians and to estimate factors affecting entrepreneurial intention (to set up business) of them, in Turkey. Entrepreneurship level was determined by entrepreneurial components and the factors influencing entrepreneurial intention (EI) was estimated using the logistic regression model (LRM). The study was conducted in 7 different regions of the Turkey between June 2014 and December 2014 through a questionnaire completed by a total of 455 randomly selected veterinarians. According to the study result, the mean entrepreneurship score (ES) was 24.53. It was found that clinicians have higher ES than public employees (P<0.01), those veterinarians whose fathers had set up their own business have higher ES than those who did not (P<0.05), and those veterinarians who want to set up their own business have higher ES than those who don't want it (P<0.01). There were no significant differences among the different geographical regions of the Turkey in respect to ES. The overall LGM was significant at the P<0.001 level and variables included in the model explained 35% of the variation regarding the EI. Age (P<0.001) and ES (P<0.05) have a positive, whereas education level (P<0.05) has a negative impact on EI. One unit increase in age and ES will lead to 6.1% (Odds ratio-OR=1.061) and 5.5% (OR=1.055) increase in EI, respectively. EI of the veterinarians working at the private sector is higher than 6.1 times (OR=6.104) compared to public employees. In order to increase the EI especially in young veterinarians, training programs and occupational activities could be arranged by the collaboration among professional organizations, universities and the private sector.