Pomological and Chemical Properties of Some Walnut Genotypes in Central Anatolia

bayazit s., caliskan o., KILIÇ D.

Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt.36, sa.3, ss.243-249, 2019 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


This study was carried out to determine some pomological and chemical characteristics of Bilecik, Yavuz, Sebin walnut cultivars and Yerli genotype grown in Kırşehir, Turkey. Characteristics of walnut such as nut weight, kernel weight, nut width, nut height and nut diameter and some kernel features were investigated. The results revealed that the average weight of fruit ranged from 17.33 g (Yavuz) to12.83 g (Sebin), the nut width from 37.63 mm (Yavuz) to31.33 mm (Yerli), the nut height from 52.25 mm (Yavuz) to41.07 mm (Yerli), and the kernel percentage from 46.07% (Bilecik) to 49.43% (Yavuz) The highest oil content was detected in Yavuz cultivar (63.20%), while the lowest value was obtained from Bilecik cultivar with 53.90%. Contrary to fat content, the highest protein content was detected in the Bilecik cultivar. When the data obtained are evaluated, it is understood that Yavuz and Şebin walnut varieties are suitable for Central Anatolia conditions.