Analysis of Change in Cost Factors in Canola Production: The Case of Çanakkale Province

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Semerci A., ÇELIK A. D.

Türk Tarım - Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji dergisi, cilt.8, sa.11, ss.2449-2452, 2020 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


According to the data of 2018, Çanakkale City was 5th in Turkey’s total canola production with aproportional share of 7.50%. In this study, differences in input usage amounts and input costs wereanalysed according to the enterprise size. The data of the study were gathered from 83 canolaproducers who produced canola in 2018 in the Çanakkale Province by the Complete InventoryMethod. According to the research results, there was a statistical difference in pesticide cost at a 5%significance level between small- and large-scale enterprises. In terms of input usage per unit area,there was a statistical difference at a 5% significance level in machinery power usage according tothe enterprise size. Furthermore, there wasn’t any statistical difference in input usage betweenenterprise groups which indicates that large scale enterprises aren’t benefiting from the positiveaspects of the scale economy. Therefore, agricultural production in general and canola production inparticular should be supported with different tools and different methods in the medium and longterms.