TÜBA-KED Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Kültür Envanteri Dergisi, sa.25, ss.117-133, 2022 (Hakemli Dergi)
The first international student workshop “How to Preserve a Housing Utopia: The Documentation and Sustainability of Modern Heritage, Case Study: Ataköy – Istanbul”, organized in connection with the IX. DOCOMOMO International Conference, was held in Istanbul on September 18-26, 2006 prior to the conference. The proposed study area is one of Istanbul’s first suburban mass housing zones: Ataköy is selected for its urban and architectural features and because of the need for re-evaluating these features as part of the Modern Movement heritage. The initial steps of this project, Phases I and II are today iconic examples of urban planning and architecture of the late 1950s and 1960’s. DOCOMOMO and intended to be presented to a emerging professionals formed of graduate students. From 11 different universities, ca. 100 participants were involved. The documentation and conservation problem was discussed with a focus on defining ideas and clues in different scales and with an interdisciplinary approach for Ataköy Phases I and II. This article aims to evaluate the workshop experience and to give information about the content, methodology and outcomes of the workshop as a tool for education and training in modern heritage conservation.