Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi tarım bilimleri dergisi (online), cilt.26, sa.1, ss.1-7, 2021 (Hakemli Dergi)
Aims: In this study, reproductive, lamb growing, fattening and milk yieldcharacteristics of South Karaman ewes and lambs were investigated.Methods and Results: The animal material of the study consisted of SouthKaraman sheep raised in the nomadic system in Tarsus district of Mersinprovince. The flock was managed under breeders’ condition. In addition tothe pasture, straw and concentrate feed were given to the animals duringtheir stay in Tarsus. The feeding of animals was provided only by grazing inthe pasture during the highland period. Lambing rate, number of lambsper ewe at mating period, number of lambs per ewe giving birth, survivalrate and single and twin birth rates were calculated to determinate thereproductive characteristics. Fattening characteristics were determined byapplying 60 days of fattening in 20 head male animals randomly selectedfrom lambs of similar weight and three months old. Milk yield controlswere made at 30 days interval. The Holland method was used for eachlactation milk yield calculation. At the end of the study number of lambsper ewe at mating period, birth weight, weaning weight, daily weight gainand lactation milk yield were detected as 1.24, 3.4±0.07 kg, 16.7±0.18 kg,232.8±10.24 g and 37.7 L, respectively.Conclusions: South Karaman sheep has low milk yield, fattening andreproductive characteristics similar to other fat-tailed native breeds undersemi-intensive breeding conditions.Significance and Impact of the Study: At the end of the study, it can bestated that South Karaman sheep is an important breed to sustainablesheep production systems. The reproductive, fattening and milk yieldcharacteristics of this breed are sufficient for sheep farmers, especiallynomadic breeders.