Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi tarım bilimleri dergisi (online), cilt.25, sa.3, ss.300-308, 2020 (Hakemli Dergi)
Aims: Fertilization contributes to the yield in agriculture. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of mycorrhizae and fertilization of phosphorus(P)andelementalsulfur(ES)onyieldresponses,root mycorrhizal inoculation level, root to shoot ratio and nutrient uptake of green pepper (Capsicum annuum L.).Methods and Results: 100 mg kg-1ES and/or 100 mgkg-1P fertilizers were added with and without mycorrhizal inoculation into the soil. Green pepper was grown for 45 days on calcareous sterilized Karaburun soil. Root and shoot yield increased by mycorrhizal inoculation compared to the control treatment. Whilefertilization with ES or P alone resulted in yield increase in the non-mycorrhizal treatments, the reverse was the case in the mycorrhizal treatments. The combined effect of ES and P fertilization comparing P fertilization alone decreased the yield in thenon-mycorrhizal tratments while the reverse was the case in the mycorrhizal treatments. Root to shoot ratios and shoot nutrient concentrations changed in both directions as independent from the yield and treatments. ES and/or P addition decreased insignificantly mycorrhizal inoculation level.Conclusions: Obtained results indicated that ES and/or P fertilization affect yield of pepper, nutrient uptake, root to shoot ratio in both ways with insignificantly decreased root mycorrhizal infection level.Significance and Impact of the Study: ES and/or P fertilization with mycorrhizal inoculation is important to get higher yield. For that reason, thisstudyprovidesdataaboutappropriatefertilizerorfertilizer combinations to prevent yield loss of pepper in mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal growth conditions.