Electrochemical Synthesis of Poly(pyrrole-co-[Cu(salabza)]): its Electrocatalytic Activity Towards the Oxidation of Catechol


Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, cilt.44, sa.4, ss.425-434, 2016 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


This paper presents the study of the electrochemical synthesis of poly(pyrrole-co-[Cu(salabza)]) and its application to the electrocatalytic oxidation of catechol. The synthesis has been achieved by cyclic voltammetry (CV) technique on the platinum electrode in non-aqueous acetonitrile solution. The characterization of the copolymer was done by using FT-IR, UV-vis, CV, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), TG-DTA techniques. The SEM micrographs clearly indicate that the copolymer film has different structure from [Cu(salabza)] and polypyrrole films. Moreover, electrochemical studies show that the copolymer film has good stability and electro activity. As well, the electrocatalytic studies show that the copolymer coating exhibited catalytic activity towards the oxidation of catechol.