Structure of Wheat and Corn Farming: A Survey on Amik Plain Farmers

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Türk Tarım - Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji dergisi, cilt.8, sa.8, ss.1612-1617, 2020 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


This study was conducted to identify the current problems of cereal crops like wheat and cornproducers and to suggest solutions for overcoming those problems in Amik Plain (Antakya,Kirikhan, Kumlu, Reyhanli districts) in Hatay province of Turkey. In this study, the primary datawas obtained by face-to-face survey from 100 cereal producers in Amik plain. All variables aregiven as frequency and percentage distribution, and numerical variables as mean. The surveyassessed the level of education of grain producers, the number of individuals in the farm, recordkeeping, social security, crops (wheat and corn) growing area, yield, sowing and harvest dateranges, property and leasehold land use, cultural practices and grain production. The data wereanalysed using simple statistical analysis methods (frequency, averages, percentage distribution).The results indicated that about 50% of the cereal producers had higher educational degree. It wasdetermined that producers had an average of 12.3 ha of wheat and 15 ha of corn cultivated area.Moreover, cereal production is well known as one of the cultural practices in the study area. Themain problem of grain producers is that the low cereal prices. In addition, the Turkish Grain Board(TMO) does not purchase the production at the time of harvesting. Moreover, high production costsand corn irrigation are considered other problems that cereal producers are facing.