Age and gender related tooth loss and partial edentulism among the adulthoods

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oyar p., ÖZTÜRK C., Can G., Altinci P., Ersel D.

Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, vol.10, no.2, pp.156-162, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


Aim: Despite the improvements in preventive measures and restorative techniques in dentistry, tooth loss still remains as a significant problem. The determination of the edentulism prevelance may provide a new perspective for the patient-oriented treatment alternatives. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of gender and age on the prevelance of tooth loss.Material and Methods: The data were gathered from the randomly selected 722 diagnostic models obtained from the patients consulting to the Ankara University, Faculty of Dentistry, between 2015 and 2016. Models were evaluated under 6 groups as followings; full dentition, Kennedy Class I-IV and total edentulism. Each model was classified according to the gender and age. Statistical analysis were performed by using Chi-Square test and log-linear model analysis and odds ratios also calculated (p<0,05).Results: Gender has no effect on the edentulism whereas age significantly affects the number of tooth loss and the prevelance of edentulism. The loss prevelance of teeth 34, 36 and 37 was higher in females, while the tooth 24 loss was more common in male patients (p<0,05).Conclusion: The number of tooth loss and edentulism significantly increase with the age. However, there was no relation between gender and prevelance of tooth loss and edentulism. prevention measures for oral health should be increased in elderly people.