Comparison of Lung graphy and thorax computed tomography findings in children with Tuberculin skin test positive

Efe E., Arica V., Doǧan M., Arica S. G.

Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, vol.5, no.5, pp.502-507, 2012 (Scopus) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 5 Issue: 5
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Doi Number: 10.4103/1755-6783.105144
  • Journal Name: Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
  • Journal Indexes: Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.502-507
  • Keywords: Computed tomography, lung graphy, tuberculin skin test, tuberculosis
  • Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Affiliated: Yes


Aim: Benefit of thorax computed tomography was investigated when lung graphy remains insufficient in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Materials and Methods: 55 patients across children with tuberculin skin test (TST) positive nonspecific symptom who applied to the tuberculosis polyclinic of our hospital were investigated between ages of 0-18, determined positivity in their TST test or with tuberculosis contact story. Age, gender, complaining, TST results, existence/number of BCG scar, underlying disease, contact status, cigarette exposure, laboratory findings, Lung graphy and thorax CT findings of patients were compared. Results: Average age of cases was 110, 3842, 8 months. Lung graphy results of 36.4% of cases were abnormal while 63.6% were normal. Results of 30.9% (n=17) were abnormal while 69.1% (n=38) of cases were normal. No compliance is observed between results of CT and Lung graphy (p<0.05). Lung graphy was found to have a low positive true diagnosis value, a higher negative true diagnosis value. A significant difference is observed between tuberculosis sighting case and scar numbers of BCG (p<0.05). Conclusion: Taking lung graphy and thorax CT is beneficial and significant in the investigation of tuberculosis disease in patients with positivity of tuberculin skin test. Computed tomography is more sensitive method in comparison to lung graphy in terms of all findings.