The First Record of Paropta paradoxus (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851) (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) in Hatay Province of Turkey and Its External and Genital Morphology

atay e., Sertkaya E., Tatlı M.

JOURNAL OF ANATOLIAN ENVIRONMENTAL AND ANIMAL SCIENCES, vol.4, no.3, pp.525-531, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


This study was conducted as field and laboratory studies. The grapevines that show sign of damage were collected fromReyhanlı and Kırıkhan districts in Hatay then brought to the laboratory. The larvae in the grapevine were obtained mature individuals by takingculture in the laboratory. A total of 3 male Paropta paradoxus (Cossidae) emerged from the pupa. Specimens were dissected in the laboratoryand prepared male genitalia and wings slides. We described the external and male genital morphology of P. paradoxus in detail and alsodiagnostical morphological features. As a result of the study, P. paradoxus is first record for Hatay.