Effects of Microbial Phytase on Animal Performance, Amount of Phosphorus Excreted and Blood Parameters in Broiler Fed Low Non-Phytate Phosphorus Diets

Bingöl N. T., Karsli M. A., Bolat D., AKÇA İ., Levendoglu T.

ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES, cilt.4, sa.3, ss.160-166, 2009 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


The aim of the current study was to evaluate the effects of a microbial phytase on broiler performance, mineral retention and mineral excretion in broilers fed corn-soybean meal-barley based diet with low available phosphorus level. A total of 300 one day-old Ross 308 broilers were allotted into 5 treatment groups consisted of 4 subgroups. This basal diet (negative control) was supplemented with enzyme (Rovabio; control). Then, control diet was supplemented with 500 g ton(-1) microbial phytase (Rovaphos; 500 g phytase), 1000 g ton(-1) microbial phytase (1000 g phytase) and 1500 g ton(-1) microbial phytase (1500 g phytase). Body weight of broiler fed low available phosphorus diets supplemented with phytase were significantly higher (p < 0.05) compared with broilers fed low available phosphorus diet without phytase throughout the experiment starting from second week of experiment. Broilers fed negative control diet had significantly less carcass weights compared with other groups (p < 0.05). Addition of phytase linearly increased serum P levels and decreased amount of P excreted in feces. It can be concluded that dietary available phosphorus can be reduced tip to 30% in broiler diet with 1000 g phytase/ton supplementation without affecting animal performance.