Antifungal effect of some essential oil combinations

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TÜRKMEN M., Kaya D. A.

International Journal of Chemistry and Technology (IJCT), cilt.5, sa.1, ss.6-10, 2021 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


In the present study, in vitro antifungal effect of the essentialoils was examined against soil-borne (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)pathogens. Essential oils obtained from Foeniculum vulgareand Laurus nobilis plants, naturally growing in the Hatayprovince, Turkey. The volatile phase of essential oils atdifferent concentrations inhibited the mycelial growth in thedependent of dose. While the fungitoxic effect of essential oilswas determined as 7.50 µL in laurel essential oil, it wasdetermined as 5.0 µL in fennel essential oils. Laurel essentialoils exhibited fungicidal effect at 15 µL whereas. Fennelessential oils exhibited fungicidal effect at 7.50 µL. The twoessential oils were combinated by 3 different techniques(manually combinated oils; together distillation of oils; usingsolvent and combinated oils) and were applied against S.sclerotiorum disease agents. As a conclusion, the resultsexhibited that laurel and fennel obtained separately by manuallymixing with suitable combination of essential oils (MF%75L%25 ) showed fungicidal effect at 5.0 µL; laurel andfennel essential oil obtained by distilling the mixture (TF%75L%25 ) exhibited fungicidal effect at 3.75 µLconcentrations and laurel and fennel essential oils withappropriate combination and mixture with hexane (SF%75L%25) exhibited fungicidal effect at 3.75 µL.Antimicrobial activities revealed that the essential oils inappropriate combinations are more effective than their usingalone against fungal disease agents.