Arkeoloji ve Sanat, cilt.164, sa.164, ss.41-52, 2020 (Hakemli Dergi)
Alashiya, an important base of Mediterranean trade network in the prehistoric period, is located onthe region of modern Cyprus. Especially in the Hittite cuneiform documents, the Country of Alashiyaand Cyprus were matched, this was supported by the similar statements that the other superpowersof the prehistoric period used for that region. In the major historical sources, known to be important archives of the period such as Mari, Amarna, Ugarit, Alalakh, Boğazköy (Hattusa) and Kültepe(Kanesh); Alashiya was brouht up by the existence of the trade and the trade items. According tothe Hittite sources, the Alashiya region that was used as a detention colony for the captives for someperiod became a trade center of some high quality goods specific to its own region in the 2000 BC.Alashiya maintained to be an important terminal of a big trade organization in 1000 BC. too. Themost important indicators of this are the annuals and the inscribed stela of the Assyrian kings whoenlightened the silent written history in Anatolia and Eastern Mediterranean after the “Migrationof the Sea Tribes”. Alashiya/Cyprus, recorded as Yadnāna/Ya’Adnana in these sources, was definedin the same sources as "the place in the middle of the sea". In this study, by evaluating cuneiformarchives and archaeological data, it is aimed to enlighten the history of Alshiya/Yadnana/Cyprus in2000 and early 1000 BC., which was mentioned as a rich trade center with its geopolitical position