Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, cilt.17, sa.2, ss.22-26, 2003 (SCI-Expanded)
In situ nucleic acid hybridization is one of the most powerful techniques developed for localizing the expression site of a particular gene at the cell, tissue and organ levels. This method is especially useful in understanding the function of specific gene products in particular tissues and the relation between tissue function and its localization in the whole structure of an organ. In this system, labeled anti-sense RNA probes were used to hybridize with desired mRNA while labeled sense probes were used as negative control. In general, each of these labeled probes applied to successive sections rather then the same section. That might cause some uncertainty if there are any spatial differences in the expression of gene products. In the current study, in our knowledge for the first time, anti-sense and sense probes were applied to the same sample to overcome any spatial differentiation of gene expression. The technique was successfully used to localize a plant gene product by applying anti-sense probes to the one site of the section while the other site of the same section was reacted with sense probes for control hybridization. © 2003 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.