Unusual localization of echinococcosis in Cukurova (134 cases) Cukurova Yöresinde Seyrek Yerleşimli Ekinokokkozis (134 olgu ).

HAKVERDİ S., Sayar H., Yaldiz M., Erdoǧan S., Akansu B., Canda M. S.

Türkiye parazitolojii dergisi / Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneǧi = Acta parasitologica Turcica / Turkish Society for Parasitology, cilt.33, sa.1, ss.77-81, 2009 (Scopus) identifier identifier


Echinococcosis is a parasitic disease frequently occurring in societies where agriculture and raising animals are common. In Turkey, it is more commonly observed in eastern and middle Anatolia and in Marmara and Trakya regions. While there is a high rate of occurrence in the liver and lungs, Echinococcosis can occasionally be present in other tissues and organs. In this study which was carried out in the Cukurova region, we found 962 echinococcosis cases in a ten year period. Of these, 134 (13.9%) were located outside the liver and the lung. Our aim was to determine the rate of unusual location of echinococcosis cases in our region and draw attention to the issue.