Cumhuriyet Dental Journal , cilt.22, sa.1, ss.92-101, 2019 (Scopus)
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the level of social anxiety inpatients with periodontal disease, and to examine its relationship with the clinicalcharacteristics of periodontal disease.Materials and Methods: This study investigated 200 patients in a cross-sectionaldesign. Sociodemographic data, clinical periodontal parameters and patientcomplaints were recorded. Patients were divided into four groups according to theirclinical periodontal index values: chronic periodontitis (CP), aggressiveperiodontitis (AP), gingivitis (G), and periodontally healthy (PH). Social anxietylevels of the patients were assessed based on the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale(LSAS).Results: A negative relationship was observed between LSAS scores and age, apositive relationship was observed with education level (p0.05). The Liebowitztotal score and total anxiety, socially related anxiety and total avoidance levels ofpatients with halitosis complaints were found significantly higher (p0.05). LSASscores for patients with complaints of aesthetics and mobility were significantlyhigher for all seven sub-items (p0.05). Total avoidance and performanceavoidance values were significantly higher in patients with complaints of gingivalbleeding (p0.05). All of the LSAS scores were higher in the AP and CP groupscompared to the PH group and higher in the AP group than in the CP and G groups(p0.05). In the G group, the performance-related avoidance level was significantlyhigher than in the PH group (p0.05).Conclusions: Periodontal diseases may negatively affect the psychological andemotional states of dental patients.