Cumhuriyet Dental Journal, cilt.21, sa.3, ss.216-223, 2018 (Scopus)
Amaç: Kök kanal preperasyonu sirasinda Reciproc ve WaveOne GOLD NiTi kanal aletlerinin neden oldugu dentinal defekt vakalarini karsilastirmak ve ege kullanim sayisinin dentinal defekt insidansi üzerindeki etkisini incelemek. Materyal ve Metot: Iki yüz yetmis adet mandibular kesici dis çalismaya dahi edildi ve rastgele 3 gruba ayrildi. Negatif kontrol grubu (n = 30) herhangi bir islem yapilmadi, 120'şer diş de reciproc ve waveone gold gruplarina yerlestirildi. örneklerden apeksten 3, 6 ve 9 mm uzakta olucak sekilde yatay kesitler alindi ve light emitting diode lazer yardimi ile çekilen fotograflarda dentinal defekt varligi arastirildi. Bulgular: WaveOne GOLD, Reciproc ve control gruplari arasinda dentinal defect olusumu açisindan istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir fark yoktur. Resiproc egesinin 4. Kullanimi sonrasi apical bölgede olusturdugu dentinal defect sayisi WaveOne GOLD grubunun 1., 2. ve 3. Kullanimlari sonrasi olusan sayudan istatistiksel olarak anlamli derecede fazladir (p <, 05). Sonuç: çalismamizda test ettigimiz tüm NiTi egeler kök kanal dentininde defect olusumuna neden oldu ancak WaveOne GOLD, Reciproc ve kontrol grouplari arasinda toplam dentin defekti olusumu açisindan istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir fark bulunmadi. Objectives: To compare the incidences of dentinal defects caused by Reciproc and WaveOne GOLD NiTi files during root canal preparation and to exam the effect of number of file usage on the incidence of dentinal defect. Materials and Methods: Two hundred seventy mandibular incisor teeth were randomly divided into 3 different groups as follows: negative control (no preparation performed) (n: 30), Reciproc (n: 120) and WaveOne GOLD (n: 120) groups. The specimens were sliced at 3, 6 and 9 mm from the apex. Microscopic pictures of the specimens were taken with the aid of light emitting diode and the dentinal defects were examined. Results: There was no statistically difference among the WaveOne GOLD, Reciproc and control groups in terms of dentinal defect formation. The number of dentinal defects occurred in apical region in Reciproc group following 4th use was found to be statistically higher than 1st, 2nd, and 3rd use in WaveOne GOLD group (p < .05). Conclusion: All the NiTi files tested in present study were found to cause defect in root canal dentin but there were not significant difference among the WaveOne GOLD, Reciproc and control groups in term of total dentinal defect formation.