Digital detox tourism against post-modernity

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Can İ. I., İflazoglu N.

Journal of multidisciplinary academic tourism, cilt.6, sa.1, ss.7-15, 2021 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


Technology has become an integral part of daily life. Although developments in the digital world offermany advantages to users, researches show that the use of smart devices is rapidly turning towards akind of an addiction (digital addiction) in every field. In such unwanted situations, people try to applya kind of a purification program by staying away from technological devices for a certain period of timewith "Digital Detox". Transferring the need for digital detox to people’s holiday experience and thusproviding a kind of a technological purification during the holiday periods can be called “Digital DetoxTourism”. Digital detox tourism, which is against post-modernism, attracts attention as a type oftourism preferred by individuals who seek diversity and have different expectations,especially those whowant to stay out of intensive technology-based tourism activities. Perceived as fairly new concept inliterature that has emerged as a result of the changing tourists expectations, establishing the theoreticalinfrastructure of digital detox tourism on the axis of post-modernism, evaluating the factors that causedthe emergence of digital detox tourism, examining the factors that drive people to digital detox tourismand examination of theoretical and practical work about digital detox tourism; constitute the aim of thisstudy. This study is aimed at researchers and target marketing organizations as it offers valuableconclusions that help better understand the emotions of individuals who are involved in or are avoidingdigital detox tourism. Understanding what triggers positive and negative emotions of individuals isthought to help service providers develop their products and marketing strategies.