Alatarım, cilt.20, sa.1, ss.12-21, 2021 (Hakemli Dergi)
In this study, physical and chemical changes during fruit development of pollination constant astringent‘Eylül’ persimmon genotype and ‘Hachiya’ persimmon variety were examined and optimum harvest time wasdetermined under Dörtyol-Hatay conditions that have a Mediterranean climate. Fruit samples were takenfrom persimmon trees from grafted onto Diospyros lotus rootstock. Fruit weight, width and length, fleshfirmness, skin and flesh color, total soluble solids (TSS) and titratable acidity (TA) content, pH value andTSS/TA ratio were analyzed on samples from June to ripening. Fruit samples were picked up at fortnightinterval in the time of fruit development. Fruit weight of ‘Eylül’ persimmon genotype and ‘Hachiya’persimmon variety were reached 96.35 g and 259.84 g, respectively, on 215th day after full bloom (DAFB).Flesh firmness was reduced in the time of fruit growth and achieved to an acceptable limit, while h° values offruit skin color was decreased in the time of the fruit growth period. Our data shown that fruit skin colorespecially hº value, fruit flesh firmness, TSS and TSS/TA ratio were significant criteria in determiningharvest maturity. Optimal harvest maturity period lay between 155‒170th DAFB for ‘Eylül’ persimmongenotype and between 170‒185th DAFB for ‘Hachiya’ persimmon variety in Dörtyol-Hatay conditions.According to the obtained findings, it was determined that ‘Eylül’ persimmon genotype reach optimalmaturity between the second or the third weeks of October and mid or end of October were the optimumharvest maturity time for ‘Hachiya’ persimmon variety in order to provide storage long time and transportfruit at optimum commercial maturity and quality