Effects of Peg-Induced Drought Stress on Germination and Seedling Performance of Bread Wheat Genotypes

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Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, cilt.29, sa.4, ss.765-771, 2019 (Scopus) identifier identifier


This study was conducted to determine the response of some bread wheatgenotypes to drought stress during germination and seedling growth stages. Twobread wheat cultivars (Karatopak and Sagittoria) and three advanced breeding lines(SERI.1B*2/3KAUZ*2BOW//KAUZ, 89N2090/WERAVER// SW91.4903 andSTAR’S’KAUZ’S’s) were used as the seed material. Three different doses ofPolyethylene Glycol (Control, -0.6 MPa and -1.2 MPa of PEG-6000) were used togenerate drought stress in germination and seedling growth stages of bread wheat.Germination experiments were carried out in petri dishes placed into an incubatorwith 4 replications in completely randomized factorial design. Seedling emergenceexperiments were carried out in plastic containers filled with a mixture of sand andpeat placed into a growth cabinet with 3 replications in factorial arrangement ofCRD. Germination experiments showed that genotype, PEG and genotype x PEGinteractions were significant for examined traits except for germination rate. In theseedling experiments, genotype, PEG and genotype x PEG interaction weresignificant for all parameters, except for mean emergence time. Generally,increased doses of PEG caused remarkable decreases in all examined traits, butincrease in mean germination time and mean emergence time. As the PEG dosesincreased, genotypes responded differently with regard to examined traits ingermination and seedling emergence of bread wheat genotypes. It can be concludedthat PEG-6000 was useful agent to create drought stress in germination andseedling growth of bread wheat, but greater doses and osmotic potentials lower than-1.2 MPa could be applied to better determine the drought stress tolerance of breadwheat genotypes.