Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, vol.24, no.1, pp.171-176, 2021 (ESCI)
The Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)(Diptera: Tephritidae), is one of the important pests of pomegranatein Turkey. The studies were conducted in 2012-2013 to determineseasonal population fluctuations and damage rates of medfly atpomegranate orchards in Osmaniye province. The study was carriedout using the Econex yellow traps and pheromones (%95 trimedlure)and DDVP at four different pomegranate orchards in 2012 (11 Augustto 21 December), and at four different pomegranate orchards in 2013(11 August to 30 November) all of which were ‘Hicaz’ variety. Thepheromone traps were weekly checked and captured medfly adultswere counted and then cleaned. During the harvest time, except frompheromone trap hanging tree, 300 pomegranate fruits were randomlyselected to evaluate the number of the damaged fruits in the eachorchard. In 2012, the medfly adults caught by traps at two orchardsand the highest number of them was recorded on 26 October, followedon 09-23 November and 15 September. The largest percentages ofmedfly was observed in November (45.8), followed September (23.8),October (20.8), August (8.3) and December (1.19). In 2013, the medflyadults caught by traps at all orchards and the highest number of themwas recorded on 10 November, followed on 3 November and 13October. The largest percentages of medfly was observed in November(35.4), followed September (32.85), October (28.83) and August (2.92).In 2012, the highest percentages of damage rates was observed atorchard II (7.33), followed orchard I (5.66). In 2013, the highestpercentages of damage rates was observed at orchard I (10.33) ,followed at orchard IV (10), orchard III (6.66), and orchard II (5.66).