Human, because of mind centered perspective, look from all events which are occurring in the environment and the vital fictions which are being constructed within a systematically operating cause and effect relation. Relations established with the space inhabited as well as with nature and other people as individuals, occur within defined frames and patterns. The struggle of man with nature and individuals who have different genders, cultures and ethnicities takes place within these patterns. However, relations don’t consist of one-way connections. Relations are multi-directional and multi-dimensional. Therefore, these patterns should be pondered upon and analyzed in order to get rid of the ongoing habits. Starting from this perspective, the process of otherness is based on putting one thing on top of the other with dualistic oppositions and claiming superiority upon the other. This structure which is built by domination (hierarchical structure) tends to homogenize every element by defining their characteristics as differences. In doing so, it causes plurality among individuals to be forgotten and individual’s relation with the outer world as well as the relation person has with oneself to be broken. This study desires to rediscover existing diversities. Therefore, it thinks within a system which doesn’t create asymmetrical relations between elements (rather a system which is based on network structure). Body in terms of cultural is located at the heart of many discussions in ethnical and gender-related contexts. Space comes to the fore, along with the body, as an important means in to track generated discourses. Therefore, the present study, conducted along the lines of the body, has also been conducted along the lines of space to construct a parallel discussion. In the study, body and space are defined as an assemblage that are aimed to be analyzed in historical perspective. The spaces of the body, which are marginalized within the hierarchical system, and the spaces of the body that are defined in the meshwork (non-hierarchical) system, have been investigated. Thus, the study reads the space through the body and explores the possibilities of the body transforming the space. Since it is thought that a new process has entered as a result of the evolution of the body and space in the historical process, the study aims to unfold the ‘post-architecture’ process in this context. The inquiry into the body has brought up the necessity of a historical analysis. An analysis from the industrial revolution up until the present times has been conducted in this context. The analysis has been carried out through inquiries into the structures which are thought to be in interaction with the body within the process. The same inquiry lines have been performed on the space as well, and the effects of the changes in the identity of the body on space have been studied. Historical process has been discussed by breaking it into three periods: anthropocentric, non-anthropocentric, and post-human periods. Identity of the body within these periods has been sized up. The study concerns inquiry into the connection between definition of the body such as organism, organ without body, body without organs, cyborg body etc., and space. It tried to track reflections of definitions and theories imposed upon the body throughout the defined process in the plane of space. The study consists of an evaluation of historical narrative built upon body and space. For this evaluation, the perspective and notion of the study are based on the new materialism and, the concepts have been put into interaction through assemblage theory. The aim in doing so was to be able to think upon each element’s own identity without denying its connection to the other. As a result of the historical analysis conducted in this scope, we are on the brink of experiencing the process of embodiment of space. And the design model of the conducted analysis and its possible effects on future studies have been discussed. In this context, this study is significant in opening up a way to reevaluate the space through the body, beyond being merely a means to understand historical background and present potentials of the position of the body and the space.
nsan, akıl merkezli düşünce yapısı nedeniyle çevresinde gerçekleşen bütün olaylara ve oluşturulan yaşamsal kurgulara sistematik işleyenbir neden-sonuç ilişkisi içinde bakmaktadır. Akla yüklenen bu özellik insanın mekânla, doğayla ve birey olarak diğer insanlarla kurduğuilişkileri, tanımlanmış kalıplar içinde gerçekleştirmesine sebep olmaktadır. İnsanlığın doğayla, farklı cinsiyetteki, kültürdeki ve etnik yapıdaki bireylerle girdiği mücadele hep bu kalıplar içinde gerçekleşmektedir. Dolayısıyla süregiden alışkanlıklardan kurtulmak için kalıplarınsorgulanması ve çözümlenmesi gerekliliği söz konusudur. Beden kültürel açıdan etnik ve cinsiyet bağlamında birçok tartışmanın merkezinde yer alır. Bedenin yanında mekân üretilen söylemlerin takibinin yapılabilmesi için önemli bir düzenek olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır.Bu nedenle beden üzerinden yapılacak olan araştırma paralel olarak mekân üzerinden de yürütülmüştür. Bu bağlamda sanayi devriminden günümüze bir çözümleme yapılmıştır. Tarihsel süreç insan merkezci, anti insan merkezci ve insan sonrası olarak üç aşamaya ayrılarakdeğerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Bedenin dönemler içindeki kimliği anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Süreç içinde karşımıza çıkan organizma, bedensizorgan, organsız beden ve siborg beden gibi tanımların mekân ile arasındaki bağlantı irdelenmiştir. Bu değerlendirme için kavramlar öbekleşme (assemblage) kuramı üzerinden etkileşime sokulmuştur. Böylece her parçanın diğeriyle bağlantısını reddetmeden, kendi kimliğiüzerine düşünülebilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Ayrıca beden ve mekân üzerinden geleceğe ilişkin olasılıklar da değerlendirilmiştir. Bu bağlamdabu çalışmanın, beden ve mekânın konumunun tarihsel arka planını ve bugünkü potansiyellerini anlamada bir araç olmasının ötesinde,mekâna beden üzerinden yeniden bakmanın önünü açması açısından önem taşıdığı düşünülmektedir