Centaurea ptosimopappa var. elegans Güzel. A New Centaurea L. (Asteraceae) taxon from Türkiye with taxonomical notes on sect. Ptosimopappus and with lectotypification

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Güzel Y.

ANADOLU Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, cilt.32, sa.2, ss.287-300, 2022 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


A new variety of Centaurea (Asteraceae) section Ptosimopappus from the Amanus Mountains, South Anatolia was described. The new taxon is considered as a variety of C. ptosimopappa due to shared morphological characters such as sterile and fertile leathery basal rosettes and branched shrub habit. On the other hand, it differs by achene morphology and by involucre, spinule and cauline leaf sizes as well as other morphological and anatomical differences. Detailed morphological, carpological and microsculptural analyses were carried out in order to reveal the differences between the varieties. Also, Lectotype for C. ptosimopappa var. ptosimopappa based on isotypes of its basionym Ptosimopappus bracteatus was designated. Taxonomic studies on wild flora elements will not only help us to take a world species inventory, but also contain important clues about the present and future of our cultivars.