Determinig flood quantiles by flood frepuency analysis: A case study in the Seyhan watershed


Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol.8, no.1-2, pp.73-82, 2003 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


In this paper an attempt is made to develop regional flood frequency curves and variation curves of mean annual flood with drainage area for ungauged sites, which take as inputs annual instantaneous maximum flows of watersheds of Seyhan river. Methods known as regional flood frequency analysis have often been used for providing records to be gathered and for determining different quantiles of flood being random in watersheds having adequate runoff gauging station (AGI) or no gauge. In this study, regional flood frequency analysis was applied to annual instantaneous peak discharges of 13 AGIs found to be used as a result of pre-statistical analysis in Seyhan watershed. As a result, figures of regional flood frequency curve and area correction curve based on variation of mean annual flood with drainage area were obtained respectively. The results could not also be used to predict reliably the Q2.33 equation and flood frequency curve for other regions beyond this region, but it would give a useful initial indication of the type of regional flood frequency estimation method.
Yeterli sayıda veya hiç akım gözlem istasyonu (AGİ) bulunmayan havzalarda, rastgele karakterli olan taşkınların çeşitli yinelenmeli büyüklüklerinin saptanmasında mevcut kayıtların biraraya getirilmesini sağlayan ve bölgesel taşkın frekans analizi olarak bilinen yöntemler yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Çalışmada, Seyhan havzasında bölgesel taşkın frekans analizi, istatistiksel ön inceleme analizleri sonucunda kullanılabilir 13 AGİ yıllık anlık maksimum akımlarına uygulanmış ve havza için bölgesel taşkın frekans eğrisi ile birlikte havza alanı ve yıllık taşkın değişimine göre alan düzeltme eğrisi elde edilmiştir.