Journal of Computer and Education Research, vol.7, no.13, pp.233-256, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
In this study, abstraction processes of 7th grade students wereexamined. In addition, it has been tried to explain how theimplementation of this process affects the students' academic success.For this purpose, the experiment and control groups were formed.While the current teaching program was applied to the control group,the experimental group was taught with the ACE teaching cycle whichis the application dimension of the theory based on the abstractionphilosophy. It can be stated that such a study is shaped according tosemi-experimental method. The application was carried out in the 7thgrade of a state secondary school in the province of Erzurum in the2014-2015 academic years, with a total of 31 students in theexperimental group and 32 students in the control group. Bothquantitative and qualitative data were obtained in the study. Theachievement tests developed by the researcher for the quantitative dataand the interview forms developed by the researcher for the qualitativedata were used as data collection tools. In addition, camera records andobservation notes obtained from the process were used. Therefore, inthis study, it was tried to provide reliability by data diversity. Theanalysis of the quantitative data was done by statistical tests and theanalysis of the qualitative data was done by descriptive analysismethod. At the end of the research, it is seen that students’ abstractionlevel of the equation subject is better in the group that ACE teachingcycle is applied than the other group. Furthermore, it is seen thatteaching in application process keeps the students’ interest andmotivation alive. According to the results obtained it can be said thatclassroom activities based on students’ abstraction process may benecessary for a qualified learning.