Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, cilt.61, sa.3, ss.321-334, 2024 (Scopus)
Objective: This study was carried out to compare the yield and fruit quality characteristics of Bursa Siyahi and Nazareth fig cultivars grown under greenhouse and open field, in 2020 and 2021, in the eastern Mediterranean Region of Türkiye. Material and Methods: In the study, some phenological, yield, and fruit quality characteristics of the cultivars grown in greenhouse and open field were compared. In addition, fruit skin and flesh color were measured as L*, a*, and C*values with a colorimeter. Results: Greenhouse cultivation provided earliness of 10 to 13 days in Bursa Siyahi and 10 days in Nazareth. While the highest fruit weight was obtained from the open field (65.19 g) in Bursa Siyahi, the highest fruit weight was obtained from the greenhouse (36.50 g) in Nazareth. The total soluble solid (TSS) content of Nazareth cultivar grown in greenhouse (21.07%) and open field (22.17%) was found higher than Bursa Siyahi cultivar (20.73% and 20.54%, respectively). The yield values per decare (0.164 tons/da and 0.394 tons/da, respectively) of Bursa Siyahi grown in greenhouse were lower than the open field (1.667 tons/da and 2.257 tons/da, respectively). Conclusion: Bursa Siyahi and Nazareth cultivars provide significant advantages for early ripening in main crop products in greenhouse cultivation, however, it is necessary to obtain detailed results with longer-term research.