SKINmed, cilt.10, sa.2, ss.112-113, 2012 (Scopus)
An 18-year-old woman was admitted to our clinic complaining of pruritic lesions on her inguinal and genital areas that had been present since birth. She had previously used topical steroids and a combination of topical steroids and calcipotriol for approximately 6 months; however, the treatment was unsuccessful. Her medical history was unremarkable. On dermatologic examination, mild erythematous, lichenified, and verrucous papules occurring in a linear pattern on the right inguinal area and on the region extending from the right labium majus to the perianal area were noted (Figure). Additionally, an erythematous area with central erosion surrounded by maceration was noted on the intergluteal area. Two separate punch biopsy samples were obtained from the erythematous, lichenified, verrucous, papular lesion on the inguinal area and from the erythematous, eroded, macerated lesion on the intergluteal area. Histopathological examination of both biopsy specimens revealed a thin orthokeratotic layer and scattered parakeratotic layers, as well as papillomatosis and acanthosis of the epidermis with a slight hyperpigmentation of the basal layer. A mild, perivascular, chronic inflammatory cell infiltration was noted in the dermis. Based on the clinical and histopathological findings, the patient was considered to have inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus, and cryotherapy was initiated. At the 2-week follow-up after the first application, it was observed that the itching complaint decreased substantially and the eroded lesions in the intergluteal area were re-epithelialized. On clinical follow-up, no improvement was observed in the papular component of the lesion after 4 sessions of cryotherapy. The patient voluntarily discontinued the follow-up after 4 sessions of cryotherapy.