Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, cilt.23, sa.1, ss.221-229, 2020 (ESCI)
The main objective of this study was to examine the relationshipsbetween marketing costs, applications and scales of the carrot farmsin Hatay province. The average carrot cultivation area, carrot yield,production costs, sales revenues, record-keeping rate, members offarmers’ organization rate were 8.253 ha, 31366 kg/ha, 14911 US$,28859 US$, %46.23, %14 in the all farms, respectively. Labor,transportation, storage and packaging costs in all farms werecalculated as 0.0031625, 0.005085, 0.00138 and 0.0022625 US$,respectively. The average total marketing cost in all farms wasdetermined as 0.001189 US$. The marketing costs for the first, secondand third group farms were calculated as 0.0121, 0.0107 and 0.0135US$, respectively. The research recommended that the farms shouldbe subsidized so that they can increase production, improve theirmarket share and decrease their input costs. Farmers should beorganized under farmers’ organization. Marketing channels should becreated to ensure direct carrots deliveries to consumers resultingincrease in revenues. Increasing the number and capacity of coldstorage should be encouraged. Farmers should be subsidized tominimize their production expenses. The support to be provided byvarious stakeholders should involve branding and promotion in carrotproduction. Producers should be encouraged to process carrot as highvalue-added products.