A very rare complication of cerebral hydatid cyst surgery: Cortical collapse

ÇAKIR M., Çalikoglu Ç., Yilmaz A.

Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences, vol.12, no.4, pp.346-348, 2017 (Scopus) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 12 Issue: 4
  • Publication Date: 2017
  • Doi Number: 10.4103/jpn.jpn_82_17
  • Journal Name: Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences
  • Journal Indexes: Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.346-348
  • Keywords: Complications, cortical collapse, hydatid cyst, hydatid disease, mortality, surgery
  • Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Affiliated: Yes


Hydatid diseases are still endemic pathologies in developing countries which Atatrk University, Erzurum, generally needs surgical treatment. The main aim of the treatment is total cyst various complications of hydatid disease surgery which include cortical collapse which is very serious and can be mortal. Our case was a 6-year-old boy diagnosed with a solitary isointense cystic mass in the left parietal region. There was no surrounding edema. The cyst was completely evacuated with Dowling technique without rupture. In about 10 min after evacuation, hemispheric cortical collapse occurred, and the patient developed cardiac arrest. Although cortical collapse is a rare complication, it can cause perioperative mortality. Special care and efforts should be taken as not to form large defects after cyst evacuation to prevent cortical collapse and related mortality.