Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, vol.13, no.4, pp.457-461, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Introduction: In recent years, herbal products or drugs have been used consciously or unconsciously in our country as well as all over theworld. These irrational uses can have consequences until death, without threatening human health. Although herbal products or medicineshave beneficial aspects, harmful effects can also arise if not used rationally. The aim of the study to evaluate the herbal drug usage habits ofpatients who came to Balcalı Hospital of Çukurova University. Material and Method: This study had a descriptive design and face-to-facesurvey method was used. The data consisted of questions evaluating herbal product / drug use habits. SPSS software was used for statisticalanalysis. Results: Of the survey respondents 66% were female, while 34% were male, and 38% of them were college/university graduates.In the case of influensa, colds or other illnesses, using rate of herbal remedies was 43% instead of going to a health facility. Reported herbalremedies include mint, lemon, thyme, herbal teas, fennel, chamomile, garlic, canton, lime and ginger. The most reported sources ofinformation about herbal products or medicines, was the internet 44%. Conclusion: Many patients do not have enough knowledge aboutherbal medicines. When they arrive at the hospital they do not know that their doctor may interact with the drugs they will write recipes. Itmay be useful to inform the public about the effective, safe use of herbal products or medicines in order to minimize drug-plant interactionsor potential side effects.