Ciencia Rural, cilt.51, sa.12, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)
The aim of this study is to determine some fruit characteristics of 19 different lines hybridized by previous regular studies. These lines were examined in order to determine the differences among volatile components and reveal the differences in comparison with the parents. Plant height (cm), fruit weight (g), fruit width (mm), fruit length (mm), fruit flesh thickness (mm), pungency, immature fruit color and mature fruit color were determined of parents and F4 lines. As a result, a wide range of variations were determined between lines and parents in terms of all parameters apart from pungency. Especially in terms of volatile components, it has been found that some active substances are found only in the father and white genotype (Fenchol, spathulenol and geranyl acetate), some of them only in the mother and orange genotype (α-terpineol, dihexyl azelate and 2-hexadecanol). It was concluded that volatile compounds of the species can be used as a marker for breeding studies.