Seed Science and Technology, cilt.44, sa.2, ss.393-409, 2016 (SCI-Expanded)
The potential of radicle emergence (RE) and electrical conductivity (EC) tests to predict normal seedlings (%) was investigated in ten commercially available lots of radish. The mean germination time (MGT), calculated from frequent counts of RE, and one count of RE at 48 hours, consistently predicted germination (eight out of nine R2 > 0.900). EC measurements of seed soak water (3 × 100 seeds in 40 ml distilled water) after 1, 3, 5, 17 and 24 hours soaking in four tests at 20°C were also highly predictive of normal seedlings (%) and MGT (25 out of 28 R2 values > 0.80). EC readings from 20 single seeds (five hours in 8 ml water at 20°C) of each lot, followed by germination at 10°C revealed the highest leakage from dead seeds and seeds that produced abnormal seedlings, followed by slow germinating (to RE) seeds that produced normal seedlings. Hydration treatment of single seeds from three lots (five hours at 20°C, then dried back) reduced leakage and MGT, which are interpreted as the result of metabolic repair of deteriorated membranes and support the ageing/repair hypothesis. Both EC and RE tests therefore provide quick and repeatable predictions of percentage normal seedlings in radish.