The Current Trend in Educational Neuroscience Research: A Descriptive and Bibliometric Study

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Saygıner Ş., Balaman F., Hanbay Tiryaki S.

Journal of Computer and Education Research, cilt.10, sa.19, ss.184-201, 2022 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


In the present study, 36 articles indexed in the Web of Science database were examined in order to reveal the current trend in scientific studies in the field of educational neuroscience. Therefore, the distribution of the articles was examined considering publication years, host journals, the most productive author(s), co-authorship, abstract keywords, collocated keywords, educational attainment of the samples, dependent variables, and the EEG devices used. The data were evaluated with descriptive and bibliometric analysis methods. The findings revealed that the publishing in the field gained an elevation in 2020; the papers were mostly published in Computers & Education; Mayer was the most productive author; Cheng, Lin, Yang, and Huang were those who produced the most collaborative studies in the field. In addition, it was found out that the keyword “cognitive load” was discussed more than the others; it was used with “attention” the most; studies were mostly carried out at university level; cognitive load and attention were the most examined dependent variables; the NeuroSky Mindwave was used in these articles the most. To sum, the present results have the potential to generate an overall perspective to educational neuroscience.